Meditation 10.12.2018

Guided mediation to the Sacred Heart, a place of  being present and of healing.

Just allow yourself to put everything from before to the side.

Thoughts discussions feelings, past and future  and just being here, being present.

Our answers, our solutions come to us in the present.

Kryon (a beautiful entity channeled originally by Lee Caroll  speaks of g-d being current, being in the now.  

So we’re going to allow ourselves right now to stay in the now; as we plan for the future, as we learn from  the past, we act and we “be”   (a phrase often used by Dr. Dein Herr Access Consciousness ™) in the present.

Our breath, our breathing, is right here, is right now.

At this very moment we are creating.  In this meditation, we are creating a space of allowance and a space of being present.

We are present now, showing up in the now.

How many of our choices disregard what is happening right now; how many of our choices allow us to be present.

How much do we allow our choices to be current, to be meaningful, to be appropriate for us, right now.

Staying with the breath, watching it, simply notice your entire body your shoulders your neck your legs, abdomen. 

Our being present in our physical being allows us to be present; and we watch the breath.

 We notice the breath: in and out, so simple, so easy, nothing to change, no effort simply breathing and noticing it.

Maybe even being in appreciation of our breath, not critical; no need to write a critique on our breath. Are we breathing the right way the wrong way, too shallowly, too deeply too fast, too slowly.

Simply watching it and maybe adding appreciation or how easily it is.

Simply breathing in and out.

Inhale exhale.

How easy is it to simply watch.

In and out.

In and out.

With the next breath in, we bring all of our awareness to the sacred heart right next to the thymus gland. (just beneath the collar bone in the middle).  

We allow that heart to open-up, to expand to be the center of our being.

Allowing ourselves to go deeper into the sacred heart.

We go deeper in, as it expands imagine the color, the shape.

What does your sacred heart look like, what does it  feel like.

,Let it expand, go deeper in let it expand wider and go deeper in, and breath

As we journey in to the sacred heart what other colors can we see?

What texture does it have.

What size is it, what shape is it. Let it grow and go deeper, let it expand and go deeper.

Allow yourself to journey into the depths of the sacred heart, to the very core of the creation of that sacred heart from before time.

Connecting with that place before the split of particles before we disconnected when we were still all one.

Not simply connected as one but we were one.

With each breath we come closer to the point of creation.

And breath.

What healing can go on at this point.

What understanding can we gain from being here.


As we have given our intention, as we have taken steps, as we have taken action by focusing our awareness on the sacred heart.

At this very moment, we are in the being and the doing.

A chance to move from one stage, from one state of being, doing, to the next.

To move from one state to the next and back again.

from the being, to the doing, back and forth.

When we make the choice not to choose. That too is a choice.

And when we choose not to choose, are we choosing out of fear,

Or simply because we are waiting for the right moment.

And what if with each choice we make, we have not closed a door, but opened up other possibilities.

Notice your heart, notice your sacred heart how big it is, notice the color, the texture.

And now notice the sound.

That sound you hear from the sacred heart, and simply  breath.

Watch the breath.  Breath in and breath out easily.

All effort put aside, any effort put aside as we bring ourselves to ease, to the simplicity of watching the breath.

Notice  how the body feels, is there a lightness that has come over it.

Simply breath.

As we allow the sacred heart to remain however it chooses, however we choose it to be, we focus our awareness on the breath, on the body, gathering ourselves up, being very present. Present in our body and present in this space. 

One more breath, one deep breath, and simply open our eyes.

2 תגובות

    1. thank you so much. I apologize for the delay in relpying i appreciate your response and I hope to continue bringing more beneficial information

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